Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Novel Novels

So yesterday I blogged about the top ten novels that stayed with me over the years.  For today's post I thought I would create a list of ten novels that I want to read or feel like I should read because of peer pressure.

1.  The Hobbit and The Rings- J.R.R. Tolkien
            While the movies were moving, I think that the books are probably better.

2. Gone With The Wind- Margaret Mitchell
            Again, this was a spectacular movie but I have heard that so much was left out; and it is no wonder considering how large that book is.

3. The Rest of the Enders Game series- Orson Scott Card
           Setting Card's politics aside, I really enjoyed Ender's Game and would like to see where the story went.

4. The Jungle- Upton Sinclair
            I have heard it is rather disgusting.  That is about it.

5. Jurassic Park- Michael Crichton
             I am pretty sure I tried to read this in middle school but stopped halfway.  I don't remember why.

6. The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy- Douglas Adams
              I have been told over and over again that this book is something I HAVE to read.

7. Anna Karenina- Leo Tolstoy
             Seems like a classic that might be worth the very long read.

8. Les Miserables- Victor Hugo
            I don't think this will be a page turner but, it has to be better than the movie.

9.The Fault in Our Stars- John Green
            This is the hottest thing in Y.A. right now.  I also really like the vlogbrothers so I think I should give his writing a shot.

10. The Bible- Lots of People.
             I don't mean to be flippant or offensive by calling the Bible a novel.  In high school we read a book called The Bible as in Literature" and I enjoyed it because there are some pretty interesting stories.  I also feel that as an academic in a liberal arts based field, I often run into Biblical references that I have no understanding of because I have never read the Bible.

So that is my list.  It will probably take me a while to work through it.  If you have any other recommendations, let me know.

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